Budgeting & Cost Control
PIK140-1125 LON-1


All business decision-making involves analysing situations containing varying degrees of risk. This program uncovers the essential skills required to understand the processes of budgeting and cost control for better decision-making. From understanding the importance of a well-defined budget process through to the importance of how costs behave so that realistic cost cutting and budgeting plans can be produced. In this program you will learn how to: • Identify the principal factors required to produce a successful business case. • Develop budgeting and financial skills required for better decision-making. • Identify sources of financial and business data to support the budgeting process. • Learn new techniques and methodologies to simulate typical business scenarios.

Price Details

  • Location London (UK)
  • Languages English
  • Date 17-11-2025 - 21-11-2025
  • Duration 1 Week
  • Price £4,550.00

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