Developing and Implementing Strategic Planning.
PIK79-1224 LON-1


In the first decade of the 20th century business and organisational researchers and writers have increasingly made it clear that the two key things that increasingly distinguish the most successful and top-performing organisations from those that are mere ‘also rans’ are strong strategic management and visionary leadership. Never has it been more important to move from merely managing organisations, focusing only on operational decisions, to strategic leadership. Without a clear and motivating vision and a skilled leadership team to move the organisation towards the vision the successful organisations of today may not even survive the next decade. Thus, effective strategic leadership is central to the future success of any organisation. This starts with defining a clear strategic vision – setting out the leadership team’s strategic intent for the organisation and its various businesses. This then needs to be translated into an agenda for action – not merely a ‘strategic plan’ but a set of guidelines or a road map clearly setting out where the business needs to go and empowering managers at all levels to make the multitude of decisions that they need to make in the clear understanding of where the business is heading. But finally, the organisation needs managers to move from transactional management to transformational leadership. Real strategic management requires that leaders at all levels create the mindsets and behaviours that are needed to transform the organisation from its existing paradigm to the new strategic paradigm that the vision sets forth. This new programme will focus on the strategic thinking and leadership behaviours that a high-performance organisation needs to guide it to a successful long term’s future.

Price Details

  • Location London (UK)
  • Languages English
  • Date 23-12-2024 - 27-12-2024
  • Duration 1 Week
  • Price £4,950.00

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