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To our online resource center!

We believe that the most powerful weapon for change is education and knowledge sharing. This belief can also be applied within the business community through corporate training. We at PIK, try to offer our corporate clients in both the private and public sectors training programs, meeting their needs to overcome the daily challenges imposed by a volatile and fierce competing market forces. Our training programs in Management, leadership and HR related topics can also accommodate bespoke programs of different natures. We have already delivered over a long period of time business training programs to many of our clients in the MENA region (Middle -East and North -Africa), but we are also eager to cover the EU zone and across the Atlantic very soon.

Our Story

Success...is always part of the solution, Failure...is always part of the problem. Success...always has a goal, Failure...always creates pretexts. A successful person says: “...let me help you”, A failing person says: “...this isn’t my job”. A successful person...finds a solution to every problem, A failing person...creates a problem with every solution. A successful person says: “...even though it is difficult, but it can be done”, A failing person says: “...this is possible, but not achievable”.

Our Vision

Partners In Knowledge sees success in: Excellency in the fulfilment of professionalism, confidentiality and skills update, Working on the development of visions that generate bright ideas, Diligence in the creation of team “A”.

Our Mission

Partners In Knowledge aims at: Creating an innovative and unique environment that distinguishes Partners In Knowledge from the rest of the Training and Professional Development centres, Sharing and spreading knowledge as the most powerful weapon for change, Forming a knowledge environment that will gather parties of different interests in a common forum to overcome personal and professional challenges.

Our Clients

Our Accreditations
